Established in 2009, Stoveindia's Objective is to establish a customer and environment friendly business that delivers outstanding value while nurturing, developing, rewarding & promoting stakeholders.
Stoveindia advocates wood burning as a natural - carbon neutral - sustainable harvest of solar energy. Wood burning won't make jets fly or mobiles ring, yet is enviably primeval to our well being.
Earth, Air, Fire & Water, 'four elements' that comprise our universe according to ancient Western astrology, have been arguably mauled by the Industrial revolution.
Dr. Emoto's experiment with water is a mind can-opener. Please see the video below. Ask yourself, if that's true of water then what is radiation? We know x-ray is harmful, infra-red warms deep muscles, micro wave is being shunned and what about the subtle difference in radiation burning either charcoal or mineral coal? Is it likely that there's more than just yummy to food cooked on a wood fired cooker/oven?
Stoveindia advocates wood burning as a natural - carbon neutral - sustainable harvest of solar energy. Wood burning won't make jets fly or mobiles ring, yet is enviably primeval to our well being.
Earth, Air, Fire & Water, 'four elements' that comprise our universe according to ancient Western astrology, have been arguably mauled by the Industrial revolution.
Dr. Emoto's experiment with water is a mind can-opener. Please see the video below. Ask yourself, if that's true of water then what is radiation? We know x-ray is harmful, infra-red warms deep muscles, micro wave is being shunned and what about the subtle difference in radiation burning either charcoal or mineral coal? Is it likely that there's more than just yummy to food cooked on a wood fired cooker/oven?
Viraj Chopra
Sanjeev Dogra
Rajesh Kumar
Nasim Mohammed